2019 The International Architecture Awards

In September 2019, the annual award ceremony for The International Architecture Awards 2019 was held. The awards are organized by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, The European Center for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and Metropolitan Arts Press, Ltd. The Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC), Aguascalientes was one of the winning projects in the category “School and Universities”.

On the occasion of the call, the winning projects were exhibited. The exhibition “The City and the World” was presented at the European Centre for Architecture in Athens, Greece during the month of September 2019.

The exhibition included the publication of a catalogue with the recognized projects: “New International Architecture – Global Design + Urbanism XIX”, edited by Christian Narkiewicz-Laine (Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd.), where the EBC Aguascalientes appears on the cover.

2019 Dezeen. Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC), Aguascalientes

In June 2019, the web design platform Dezeen published an article on the Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC), Aguascalientes. The publication includes photographs and drawings and the design process of the project.

You can read the full article here.


Photographs by por Onnis Luque

2019 Código. Essays. The Architectural Process of 2008-2018

In april 2019, Código magazine published a selection of 10 publications on art, theory and contemporary culture, including the monograph “Essays. The architectural process of 2008-2018”.

You can read the full article here.