2019 Código. Essays. The Architectural Process of 2008-2018

In april 2019, Código magazine published a selection of 10 publications on art, theory and contemporary culture, including the monograph “Essays. The architectural process of 2008-2018”.

You can read the full article here.

2019 La Tempestad. Emerging Voices

In february 2019, La Tempestad magazine published an article on the winners of the Emerging Voices 2019 award, given by the The Architectural League of New York.


You can read the full article here.

2019 Coolhunter. Emerging Voices

In february 2019, Coolhunter published an article on the winners of the Emerging Voices 2019 award, given by the The Architectural League of New York.


You can read the full article here.