2019 Medalla de Plata 3era. Bienal de Jóvenes Arquitectos

In December 2019, In December 2019, the 3rd Biennial of Young Architects took place. We obtained the Silver Medal in the Education category with the project Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC), Aguascalientes. The award ceremony took place at the Museum of Anthropology, in Mexico City.


You can read the full article here.

Michela Lostia di Santa Sofía

2019 Abierto Mexicano de Diseño

The Abierto Mexicano de Diseño took place in october, an event that presents in different forums and activities, the most outstanding and new of design in Mexico. Our exhibition was part of the Visual Communication Pavilion, which was attended by architects, designers, graphic, industrial and textile designers.


Abierto Mexicano de Diseño

Porrúa Bookstore. Av. República de Argentina 15, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06020 Mexico City

October, 2019


Contributors: Ignacio Urquiza, Bernardo Quinzaños, María del Mar Carballo Cremades, Fernanda Ventura Cano, Ofelio Hernández, José Hernández, Atilio Confalonieri, frames “San Gabriel”, Prints by MADS


96 pieces.

Natural wood frames with glass. Dimensions 30 x 45 cm.

Mexico City, 2019